Ebenezer Baptist Church has a rich history located in the beautiful county of Essex and in town of Supply, Virginia. Nestled among the beautiful countryside, it sprang up from the beginning phases of its existence 150 years ago and continues to grow with the new addition expansion. Ebenezer is blessed by the strides and accomplishments of its past pastors and their present pastor:


Rev. Henry Young (1869-1899)

Rev. Randall W. Young (1900-1930)

Rev. Cosmore M. Young (1931-1937)

Rev. Addison B. Smith (1938-1957)

Rev. Frazier Andrews (1958-1959)

Rev. Cleveland Williams (1959-1962)

Rev. Seth Prudent (1963-1975)

Rev. G. Vincent Lewis (1976-1981)

Rev. Carl S. Young (1981-1985)

Rev. Calvin Matthew (1986-1989)

Rev. James E. King (1990-1996)

Rev. Kevin L. Sykes (1997-2004)

Rev. Irving L. Woolfolk, Jr. (2006-present)


Throughout the 150 year history of Ebenezer there have been many loving, faithful, and dedicated members.There are no limits to what God can do for Ebenezer as long as we continue to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before our God. The legacy of Ebenezer continues under the humble Pastoral leadership of our beloved Pastor Irving L. Woolfolk, Jr.

EBC Mission Statement

Our mission is to meet the spiritual, physical, and relational needs of God’s people. As commissioned by the word of God found in the book of Matthew 28:19, which states “Go therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” The spirit of Jesus Christ shall abide upon us by practicing ministry that strives to serve God’s people through service and sacrificial love; thereby liberating the oppressed not only from personal sin but from social, political and financial bondage as well. Transformation of lives will occur through our efforts to develop, educate, and direct persons to become the authentic and fully functional individuals God desires us all to be. As believers we will present our bodies as living sacrifices that exemplify the presence of God as experienced through Jesus Christ. We shall worship God in every aspect of our being and serve God by serving one another.



EBC Vision Statement

The vision of our church is to create a place where the relentless teaching of God’s Word is embraced by all people. A place where worship would be a celebration of freedom. A place where people feel connection and move from acquaintances to deep friendships. A place where people are equipped to maximize their potential. A place where the hurting, depressed, frustrated, and confused can find love, acceptance, help, hope, forgiveness, guidance, and encouragement. A place where the Great Commandment and the Great Commission come alive through acts of service and love. A place where love works. As people grow through the power of Jesus Christ, we as a body will grow in wisdom and knowledge, gain truth and understanding from the word of God and give ourselves as a living sacrifice unto God.  

Contact Us

Ebenezer Baptist Church

3207 Quarter Hill Rd

Supply, Virginia 22436


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 358

Port Royal, Virginia 22535







Phone: (804) 443-4168



Worship Hours


Sunday School: 9:00 - 9:45 am


Sunday Morning Worship Service: 

10:00 a.m.


Saturday Bible Study (ONLINE)

9 to 10 a.m.


See our “Calendar” page for events and announcements. 


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© Ebenezer Baptist church